11. Ormosia pingbianensis Cheng & R. H. Chang, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 22: 18. 1984.
屏边红豆 ping bian hong dou
Trees evergreen, to 15 m tall. Youngest branchlets appressed yellowish brown pubescent, glabrous with age; bud naked, stalked, gray pubescent. Leaves imparipinnate, alternate or rarely subopposite, 15-17 cm; petiole and rachis glabrous; petiole 2.5-3.5 cm; rachis 3-5 cm, prolonged 1.4-2 cm below terminal leaflet; leaflets (5-)7; petiolule ca. 3 mm, glabrous, grooved; blades oblong, 5.2-8.5 × 1.7-2.6 cm, thinly leathery, both surfaces glabrous, base cuneate or rarely rounded, apex acuminate or long acuminate; midvein impressed adaxially, lateral veins and veinlets raised when dried. Inflorescence rachis brown pubescent. Legumes oblong, elliptic-obovate, or long ovate, 3.2-4.4 × 1.8-2 cm, base rounded or cuneate, apex obtuse, mucronate, stipe 3-4 mm; calyx persistent and small, densely appressed fulvous pilose; valves thinly leathery, less than 1 mm thick, blackish brown when dried, glabrous, internal septum absent. Seeds 1-3, red to red-purple, suborbicular, slightly compressed, ca. 10 × 9 × 7 mm; hilum elliptic, retuse, ca. 2 mm.
● Valleys of open forests; 900-1000 m. Guangxi (Ningming), Yunnan (Jinping, Pingbian).
This species is similar to Ormosia glaberrima but differs from that species in having legumes without septae, valves thinly leathery (vs. woody), and leaflets usually 7 (vs. (3-)5-7) and smaller.