1 |
Valves of fruit not internally septate |
(2) |
+ |
Valves of fruit internally septate, or if 1-seeded then wall convex at both ends of valve |
(19) |
2 (1) |
Leaves simple |
(3) |
+ |
Leaves imparipinnate |
(4) |
3 (2) |
Flowers pink; standard retuse; ovary glabrous. |
17 O. simplicifolia |
+ |
Flowers white; standard broadly rounded; ovary yellow pubescent. |
18 O. boluoensis |
4 (2) |
Legumes densely appressed pubescent |
(5) |
+ |
Legumes glabrous or sparsely pubescent, sometimes only at margin |
(10) |
5 (4) |
Legumes indehiscent or tardily dehiscent; hilum 15-18 mm, over 1/2 circumference of seed. |
1 O. balansae |
+ |
Legumes dehiscent; hilum less than 4 mm |
(6) |
6 (5) |
Hilum 3-4 mm, seed light red; legumes slightly convex; branchlets and leaves abaxially with short hairs, glabrous at maturity; leaves widest at middle. |
13 O. nanningensis |
+ |
Hilum small, 1-1.5 mm, seed dark brown or chestnut-brown; legumes turgid or somewhat turgid; branchlets and leaves abaxially densely appressed pubescent; leaves often widest above middle |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Leaflet apex caudate, narrow, length ca. 4 × width. |
4 O. inflata |
+ |
Leaflet apex acute to abruptly mucronate, length less than 3 × width |
(8) |
8 (7) |
Legumes with stipe; branchlets and leaves abaxially densely appressed yellow-brown tomentose. |
5 O. sericeolucida |
+ |
Stipe absent; branchlets and leaves abaxially sparsely to densely appressed yellow tomentose, or white or brown woolly |
(9) |
9 (8) |
Leaflets 5-7, densely appressed white woolly, becoming gray woolly. |
2 O. pachycarpa |
+ |
Leaflets 5-9, glabrous adaxially, sparsely to densely yellow-brown tomentose abaxially. |
3 O. merrilliana |
10 (4) |
Seeds large, more than 2 cm, hilum inconspicuous |
(11) |
+ |
Seeds smaller, less than 18 mm, hilum conspicuous, large or small |
(12) |
11 (10) |
Legumes compressed, brownish outside, ivory inside; seed red-brown; branchlets densely rusty brown pubescent. |
7 O. fordiana |
+ |
Legumes swollen, brownish to black outside, brownish inside; seed chestnut-brown; branchlets glabrous or finely white pilose. |
6 O. longipes |
12 (10) |
Seeds 14-18 mm; legumes yellowish brown |
(13) |
+ |
Seeds less than 14 mm; legumes black or light blackish brown |
(15) |
13 (12) |
Hilum small, less than 3 mm; leaflets 3-5; branchlets brownish pilose. |
16 O. napoensis |
+ |
Hilum 9-10 mm; leaflets 5-7; branchlets glabrous |
(14) |
14 (13) |
Legumes compressed, suborbicular, valves leathery, mesocarp absent; leaflets ovate. |
14 O. hosiei |
+ |
Legumes fleshy, elliptic, protuberant, valves woody, mesocarp conspicuous; leaflets oblong. |
15 O. elliptica |
15 (12) |
Legumes oblique-elliptic, obovate, or oblong-elliptic, length greater than width; seeds 1-3 |
(16) |
+ |
Legumes suborbicular, length equaling width; seed 1, rarely 2 |
(17) |
16 (15) |
Valves thickly leathery; branchlets densely appressed rusty brown tomentose; leaves appressed pubescent abaxially. |
12 O. yunnanensis |
+ |
Valves thinly leathery; branchlets glabrous or glabrescent; leaves glabrous abaxially. |
11 O. pingbianensis |
17 (15) |
Legumes apiculate at apex, mucro 4-6 mm, curved, stipe 5-8 mm; both petiole and rachis glabrous. |
8 O. apiculata |
+ |
Legumes apiculate at apex, mucro less than 4 mm, stipe less than 4 mm; petiole and rachis pubescent |
(18) |
18 (17) |
Legumes inequilateral; valves thickly leathery, sparsely pubescent, more conspicuous at margin; leaflets oblong-obovate, thickly leathery, widest above middle, apex acute; rachis prolonged 5-8 mm below terminal leaflet. |
10 O. howii |
+ |
Legumes equilateral; valves thinly leathery, sparsely pubescent at margin when young, becoming glabrescent; leaflets oblong, leathery, widest below (rarely above) middle, apex acuminate; rachis prolonged more than 10 mm below terminal leaflet. |
9 O. semicastrata |
19 (1) |
Legumes very fleshy, valves 6-10 mm thick, often stained red internally; seeds large, 2.5-3 cm, elliptic, red-brown. |
19 O. hekouensis |
+ |
Legumes compressed or slightly fleshy, valves thinly woody or leathery, less than 5 mm thick, not stained red internally; seeds small, less than 2 cm |
(20) |
20 (19) |
Branchlets, petiole, and rachis densely appressed brownish or rusty brown tomentose |
(21) |
+ |
Branchlets, petiole, and rachis glabrous or sparsely appressed pubescent, old branches sparsely glabrous |
(26) |
21 (20) |
Legumes densely appressed fulvous sericeous. |
26 O. xylocarpa |
+ |
Legumes glabrous or only basally pubescent at maturity |
(22) |
22 (21) |
Valves thinly woody, swollen around seed; leaflets leathery, glossy, pale green when dry; leaf scar flat to concave |
(23) |
+ |
Valves thickly woody, flattened or slightly convex; leaflets papery or rigidly papery, dull, dark green when dry; leaf scar protruding |
(24) |
23 (22) |
Legumes 4-6 cm; seeds 2-4; calyx ca. 7 mm; leaflets 13-19, sparsely appressed pubescent abaxially; branchlets dark rusty brown pubescent. |
24 O. ferruginea |
+ |
Legumes 5-12 cm; seeds 4-8; calyx 12-14 mm; leaflets fewer than above, densely appressed tomentose abaxially; branchlets pale fulvous pubescent. |
22 O. henryi |
24 (22) |
Leaflets (14-)17-23, both surfaces densely appressed fulvous velvety, more so abaxially. |
34 O. saxatilis |
+ |
Leaflets often fewer than 17, rarely more, glabrous, rarely sparsely appressed pubescent |
(25) |
25 (24) |
Leaves larger, often more than 4.5 cm, apex acuminate, lateral veins impressed adaxially when dried. |
32 O. olivacea |
+ |
Leaves smaller, often less than 4.5 cm, apex obtuse, lateral veins slightly raised when dried. |
33 O. microphylla |
26 (20) |
Leaflets 11-19, abaxially pale when dried |
(27) |
+ |
Leaflets 3-9(-11), not pale abaxially when dried |
(28) |
27 (26) |
Leaflets 15-19, widest above middle, apex long acuminate or caudate, rachis convex between pair of leaflets. |
23 O. pachyptera |
+ |
Leaflets 11-13, widest at middle or slightly lower, apex obtuse, not long acuminate, rachis not convex. |
25 O. purpureiflora |
28 (26) |
Ovary and legume glabrous |
(29) |
+ |
Ovary completely pubescent or at least on margin; legumes ± pubescent, rarely glabrous |
(31) |
29 (28) |
Racemes axillary; leaflets 7-9(-11), apex caudate; valves fulvous when dried; seeds 1.1-1.8 cm, striate. |
27 O. striata |
+ |
Panicles terminal; leaflets 5-7, apex not caudate; valves blackish when dried; seeds 1-1.5 cm, not striate |
(30) |
30 (29) |
Leaflets obovate or obovate-elliptic, apex obtuse, emarginate; calyx pubescent along outer margin and inside; standard apex rounded. |
20 O. emarginata |
+ |
Leaflets ovate or elliptic-lanceolate, apex acuminate; calyx pubescent inside and out; standard apex retuse. |
21 O. glaberrima |
31 (28) |
Legumes cylindric or slightly compressed, orange-red at maturity and brownish when dry. |
28 O. pinnata |
+ |
Legumes compressed, brownish at maturity and blackish brown when dry |
(32) |
32 (31) |
Leaflets obovate or oblanceolate, apex obtuse or emarginate; legumes 2-4.5 cm |
(33) |
+ |
Leaflets elliptic or oblong, apex acute; legumes 3-10 cm |
(34) |
33 (32) |
Young branchlets sparsely fulvous velvety; leaflets 7-9, often oblanceolate, lateral veins 4-6 pairs. |
29 O. indurata |
+ |
Young branchlets densely appressed fulvous pubescent; leaflets (5-)7, obovate, lateral veins 5-8 pairs. |
30 O. eugeniifolia |
34 (32) |
Legumes somewhat fleshy, swollen, densely appressed short grayish brown pubescent; leaflets 5, often elliptic, apex acute. |
31 O. pubescens |
+ |
Legumes slightly compressed; leaflets 7-23, oblong, apex acuminate, caudate, or acute |
(35) |
35 (34) |
Rachis prolonged more than 1 cm below terminal leaflet; legumes more than 4 cm; plants of mainland China. |
37 O. nuda |
+ |
Rachis prolonged less than 1 cm below terminal leaflet; legumes less than 3 cm; plants restricted to Taiwan |
(36) |
36 (35) |
Leaflets 3-5(-7), apex acute to acuminate, margin entire, not sinuous; flowers white; seeds globose. |
35 O. formosana |
+ |
Leaflets (5-)7(-9), apex acute to obtuse, slightly retuse, margin entire, often sinuous; flowers reddish purple; seeds angular. |
36 O. hengchuniana |