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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae | Scorzonera

22. Scorzonera ensifolia M. Bieberstein, Fl. Taur.-Caucas. 2: 235. 1808.

剑叶鸦葱 jian ye ya cong

Lasiospora ensifolia (M. Bieberstein) Cassini.

Herbs usually 20-40 cm tall, perennial, sparsely rosulate. Rootstock cylindric. Caudex with entire hardened adaxially abundantly reddish brown lanate leaf sheath residues. Stems solitary or few, ± erect, sparsely branched apically, ± pubescent or rarely glabrous, densely leafy. Rosette leaves linear-lanceolate to linear, to 20 × 0.3-0.8 cm, rather rigid, apex filiform acuminate. Stem leaves many, similar to rosette leaves, sparsely pubescent or glabrous. Synflorescence corymbiform, usually with 2-4 capitula. Involucre cylindric, to 2.5 × 1-1.5 cm. Phyllaries abaxially arachnoid hairy; outermost phyllaries lanceolate, apex acuminate and bent. Florets yellow, ca. 1.5 × as long as involucre. Achene cylindric, usually 7-8 mm, densely villous. Pappus pale brownish, 2-2.5 cm. Fl. and fr. May-Aug. 2n = 12.

Sand dunes, wastelands, sandy soils; 500-600 m. Xinjiang [Kazakhstan, Russia (C, E, and S European parts); Europe].


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