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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae | Taraxacum

29. Taraxacum eriopodum (D. Don) Candolle, Prodr. 7: 147. 1838.

毛柄蒲公英 mao bing pu gong ying

Leontodon eriopodus D. Don, Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc. 3: 413. 1821 ["eriopodum"].

Herbs 6-13(-20) cm tall, usually small, base whitish to brownish arachnoid. Petiole green, unwinged; leaf blade mid-green to bright green, oblanceolate to broadly oblanceolate, 8-10(-12) × 1.5-2.5 cm, whitish brown arachnoid on outer leaves but ± subglabrous on middle ones, usually lobed or rarely undivided; lateral lobes (when present) 3 or 4 short to moderately long pairs, to 1 × 1 cm, ± patent to recurved, distal margin minutely dentate, apex obtuse; interlobes broad, margin ± entire; terminal lobe rounded-obtuse, 1.5-3 cm, usually broader than lateral lobes, margin entire. Scapes brownish green, ± overtopping leaves, brownish arachnoid. Capitulum 2.5-3.5 cm wide. Involucre 1.1-1.4 cm wide, base broadly rounded. Outer phyllaries 15-18, blackish green and suffused red (black when dry), subimbricate, ± lanceolate, outermost ones (5.5-)6.5-7.5 × 2-2.5(-3) mm and ca. 1/2 as long as inner ones, appressed to erect, without a paler border, flat to minutely corniculate below apex; inner phyllaries 1.2-1.4 cm, flat to corniculate near apex. Ligules yellow, flat; outer ligules outside striped greenish gray; inner ligules with gray or pink apical teeth. Stigmas dark (black when dry). Anthers polliniferous; pollen grains regular in size. Achene deep red or pale straw-colored brown, 4.5-5 × 1.1-1.3 mm; body ± densely spinulose above, ± gradually narrowing into a conic (1-)1.2-1.4(-1.5) mm cone with thick base, spinules conic, short, and acute; beak ca. 6 mm, not thin. Pappus yellowish, 6-6.5 mm. Fl. late summer or autumn. Sexual.

Mountain pastures, along paths, grassy slopes; 2000-4500 m. Xizang, NW Yunnan [Bhutan, India, Nepal].

For the explanation of the authorship and nomenclature, see Kirschner and Štěpánek (Edinburgh J. Bot. 53: 217-219. 1996). Reports of Taraxacum eriopodum from Qinghai and Sichuan (FRPS 80(2): 55. 1999; Higher Pl. China 11: 782. 2005) require additional study.


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