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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Hymenophyllaceae | Hymenophyllum

2. Hymenophyllum devolii Lai, Taiwania. 21: 82. 1976.

台湾膜蕨 tai wan mo jue

Rhizome long creeping, filiform, with sparse yellow multicellular hairs. Stipes remote, wingless, 1.5-4 cm; stipes, rachis, and costae with same type of multicellular yellowish brown hairs. Rachis narrowly winged on upper part of frond, margin entire, lower section of rachis wingless or nearly so. Lamina deeply bipinnatifid, 4-7 × 1.5-2 cm; lower pinnae somewhat shortened, margins of fertile pinnae entire or nearly so; lobes of pinnae denticulate, 1-1.5 mm wide; walls of laminar cells thin, straight. Sori shortly stalked, borne on upper pinnae at end of acroscopic veinlets, 1 or 2 per pinna; involucres ovate, entire; receptacles included; sporangia sessile.

● Wet places in forests, epiphytic; 1000-1500 m. S Taiwan.

Hymenophyllum devolii seems to be very much like H. barbatum but differs in its metallic glossy color of the adaxial lamina.


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