81. Astragalus bouffordii Podlech, Feddes Repert. 120: 53. 2009.
鲍氏黄耆 bao shi huang qi
Plants 10-20 cm tall. Stems many, branched from base, loosely covered with appressed white hairs. Leaves 5-6 cm; stipules 2.5-3 mm, at least lower ones shortly vaginate-connate behind stem; petiole 1-2 cm, hairy like stem; leaflets in 11-15 pairs, elliptic, 3-8 × 1.5-3 mm, abaxially loosely appressed hairy, adaxially glabrous. Racemes rather densely 7-12-flowered; peduncle 4-7 cm, white hairy like stem; bracts 0.5-1 mm, predominantly white hairy. Calyx ca. 4 mm, densely covered with appressed white hairs 0.3-0.5 mm and often with black hairs mixed in; teeth subulate, ca. 2 mm. Petals purple, keel with darker tip; standard 8-9 × ca. 6 mm, widely elliptic, emarginate; wings ca. 6 mm; keel 7-7.5 mm. Legumes (unripe) with a stipe ca. 2 mm, ca. 6 mm, 2-2.5 mm high and wide.
● About 3400 m. E Xizang.
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