131. Astragalus brachysemia Podlech & L. R. Xu, Novon. 17: 229. 2007.
短柄黄耆 duan bing huang qi
Plants ca. 25 cm tall. Stems 13-15 cm, rather densely covered with subappressed white hairs 0.1-0.3 mm, soon glabrescent. Leaves 4-7 cm; stipules greenish, narrowly triangular, 3.5-6 mm, very shortly adnate to petiole, otherwise free, sparsely to loosely predominantly black hairy; petiole 0.5-1 cm, like rachis loosely white or white and black hairy; leaflets in 4-6 pairs, narrowly elliptic, 10-20 × 2-5 mm, abaxially loosely covered with appressed white hairs 0.2-0.5 mm, adaxially glabrous, apex subobtuse to obtuse. Racemes cylindric, ca. 5 cm, densely many flowered; peduncle 6-8 cm, hairy like stem, toward raceme increasingly covered with more spreading black hairs; bracts whitish membranous, 2-4 mm, black hairy. Calyx ca. 4 mm, ± densely covered with ascending black hairs ca. 0.5 mm; teeth 1.5-2 mm. Petals violet, in dry state very pale lilac; standard obovate, ca. 6 × 3.5 mm, apex rounded; wings ca. 5 mm; keel ca. 4 mm. Ovary with a stipe ca. 0.5 mm, subglobose, glabrous. Legumes unknown.
● Sichuan.
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