18. Callerya dielsiana (Harms) P. K. Lôc ex Z. Wei & Pedley, Fl. China. 10: 187. 2010.
香花鸡血藤 xiang hua ji xue teng
Shrubs, scandent, 2-5 m. Stems grayish yellow, splitting, glabrous or puberulent. Leaves 5-foliolate; rachis 15-30 cm, including petiole 5-12 cm; leaflet blades lanceolate, oblong, or narrowly oblong, 5-15 × 1.5-6 cm, abaxially grayish glabrous, sparsely puberulent, or yellow hirsute, adaxially glabrous, midvein abaxially raised and adaxially sunken, secondary veins 6-9 on each side of midvein, reticulate veins evident on both surfaces or only abaxially, base rounded or sometimes subcordate, apex acute, acuminate, or rarely obtuse. Panicles terminal, 10-25(-40) cm, yellow puberulent; flowering branchlets 6-15 cm, spreading, nodes close together. Flowers 1.2-2.4 cm. Corolla purple; standard broadly ovate, without basal calluses, outside silvery to rusty sericeous, base subcordate. Ovary linear, tomentose, with 8 or 9 ovules. Legume linear to oblong, 7-12 × 1.5-2 cm, flat, gray tomentose; valves thin or woody. Seeds 3-5 per legume, tawny, oblong or subglobose, ca. 8 × 6 mm. Fl. May-Sep, fr. Jun-Nov.
● Mixed woodlands and thickets on slopes, thickets in river val-leys, open places at forest margins; 300-2500 m. Anhui, Fujian, S Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, S Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang.