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FOC Vol. 10 Page 331, 397, 399 Login | eFloras Home | Help
FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae | Astragalus

218. Astragalus luculentus Podlech & L. R. Xu, Novon. 17: 230. 2007.

光滑黄耆 guang hua huang qi

Plants ca. 35 cm tall, completely glabrous. Stems stout, 3-4 mm in diam., ca. 20 cm. Leaves 25-30 cm; stipules 20-30 mm (much smaller in branches sprouting after grazing), nar­rowly triangular, very long acuminate, distinctly longitudinally nerved, free from petiole; petiole 8-11 cm; leaflets in 11-15 pairs, ovate, 20-35 × 8-18 mm (much smaller in branches sprouting after grazing), apex subacute to rounded, often mi­nutely mucronulate. Racemes distributed along whole stem, with a peduncle 8-9 cm, loosely 5-9-flowered; bracts 10-15 mm. Calyx 12-13 mm; teeth unequal, 2-4 mm. Petals yellow; standard ca. 25 mm; keel ca. 15 mm; other petal data missing. Legumes subsessile, oblong, straight, 18-25 mm, 5-8 mm high and ca. 9 mm wide, rounded with prominent, thickened nerve ventrally, deeply and widely grooved dorsally, with a narrowly triangular beak 1-2 mm, incompletely 2-locular; valves leath­ery.

● Xinjiang.


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