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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 10 | Fabaceae | Astragalus

71b. Astragalus yunnanensis subsp. incanus (E. Peter) Pod­lech & L. R. Xu, Novon. 17: 242. 2007.

灰毛云南黄耆 hui mao yun nan huang qi

Astragalus tatsienensis f. incanus E. Peter, Acta Horti Gothob. 12: 54. 1938; A. tatsienensis var. incanus (E. Peter) Y. C. Ho.

Leaflets villous, densely to very densely covered on both surfaces with ascending to spreading, flexuous, tangled, white hairs 0.5-1 mm. Calyx covered with ± spreading, straight, white hairs 1-2 mm and with slightly shorter black hairs. Legumes with a stipe 3.5-5 mm, widely ellipsoid, 12-15 × ca. 8 mm.

● Sichuan, Yunnan.


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