23. Epimedium ogisui Stearn, Bot. Mag. (Kew Mag.). 10: 182. 1993.
芦山淫羊藿 lu shan yin yang huo
Herbs, 25-35 cm tall. Rhizome long creeping, slender, ca. 1 mm in diam. Leaves basal and cauline, basal leaves with 1 or 3 leaflets, petiole 5-13 cm. Flowering stem with 2 trifoliolate opposite leaves, petiole 2-5 cm; leaflets adaxially deep green, ovate or narrowly ovate, 3-6 × 1-3 cm, abaxially glaucous, nearly glabrous except for scattered erect short hairs, adaxially glabrous, base moderately cordate with lobes rounded and separated by a narrow sinus, those of lateral leaflets moderately unequal, margin spinulose-subserrulate, apex acute. Inflorescence simple, racemose, loosely 3-12-flowered, 12-14 cm. Pedicel 2-3 cm, glabrous. Flowers white, ca. 2.5 cm in diam. Outer sepals caducous, 2-3.5 mm; inner sepals spreading, white, lanceolate, 16-19 × 7-9 mm, apex acuminate. Petals white, ca. as long as inner sepals; spur slightly curved, subulate, elongated, 1.5-1.8 cm, basally expanded into lamina 7-8 mm high. Stamens included, ca. 4.5 mm; filaments flat, ca. 1.5 mm; anthers ca. 3 mm, valved, revolute, apex obtuse. Pistil ca. 6 mm. Fruit unknown. Fl. Apr, fr. unknown.
● Rocky cliffs by waterfalls; 900-1000 m. Sichuan (Lushan).