9. Utricularia foveolata Edgeworth, Proc. Linn. Soc. London. 1: 351. 1847.
海南挖耳草 hai nan wa er cao
Utricularia baouleensis A. Chevalier; U. scandens Oliver (1859), not Benjamin (1847); U. tenerrima Merrill.
Annuals, terrestrial. Rhizoids and stolons capillary, branched. Traps on stolons and leaves, shortly stalked to subsessile, globose, 0.8-1.2 mm, mouth basal; appendages 2, dorsal, filiform-subulate, sparsely branched, stipitate, glandular. Leaves few, from stolon nodes, petiolate, glabrous; leaf blade linear, 1-3 cm × 0.4-1 mm, membranous, vein 1, base attenuate onto petiole, margin entire, apex acute to rounded. Inflorescences twining, 15-20 cm, 2-5-flowered, glabrous; peduncle terete, 0.2-0.5 mm thick; scales few, similar to bracts; bracts basifixed, ovate to ovate-oblong, ca. 1.2 mm, apex obtuse to shortly acuminate. Pedicel erect to spreading at anthesis but sharply deflexed in fruit, 2-4 mm, filiform, dorsiventrally flattened and narrowly winged; bracteoles linear-subulate, ca. 1/2 as long as bracts, apex acute. Calyx lobes ovate, 2-4 mm; lower lobe slightly longer and narrower than upper lobe, apex obtuse to subacute. Corolla pale mauve, 3-4 mm; lower lip suborbicular, galeate, basal swelling obscurely 2-lobed, apex entire or obscurely 3-crenate; spur narrowly conic, slightly longer than lower corolla lip, apex obtuse; palate with a scarcely raised minutely ciliate rim; upper lip oblong, slightly longer than calyx, apex truncate. Filaments ca. 1 mm, straight; anther thecae ± distinct. Ovary ovoid; style short but evident; stigma lower lip semicircular, upper lip truncate. Capsule broadly ovoid, ca. 4 mm, slightly dorsiventrally compressed, dehiscing by a single longitudinal ventral slit. Seeds obliquely ovoid to ellipsoid, ca. 0.3 mm; seed coat with prominent elongate reticulations. Fl. Oct-Nov, fr. Nov-Dec. 2n = 20.
Wet grasslands, rice fields; near sea level. Hainan [Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand; tropical Africa, NE Australia, Madagascar].