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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae | Saussurea

186. Saussurea lavrenkoana Lipschitz, Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad). 57: 532. 1972.

双齿风毛菊 shuang chi feng mao ju

Herbs 1-6 cm tall, perennial, stemless or shortly stemmed. Rootstock fibrously split. Caudex simple or few branched, covered with fibrously lacerate remains of petioles. Stem if present straw-colored, 1-3 cm, sparsely arachnoid, leafless or with 1 single leaf. Rosette leaves petiolate; leaf blade narrowly elliptic-linear, 3.5-5 × 0.6-1 cm, pinnatisect, abaxially white tomentose, adaxially green and glabrous; lateral segments 10-20 pairs, split in 2 unequal lobes or simple, linear, 3-5 × 0.8-1.5 mm, margin revolute, apex acuminate. Capitulum solitary, in center of leaf rosette or terminal on stem. Involucre cylindric to narrowly campanulate, 1-1.5 cm in diam. Phyllaries in 4 or 5 rows, straw-colored or brown, glabrescent, apex acute to acuminate; outer phyllaries narrowly ovate-triangular, 9-10 × 2-3.5 mm; middle phyllaries narrowly ovate, 10-13 × 2-2.5 mm; inner phyllaries linear, 13-17 × 1-1.5 mm. Receptacle bristles subulate, 1-2.5 mm. Corolla purple, 1.5-1.7 cm, tube 0.9-1.1 cm, limb 5.5-7 mm, lobes 3-4 mm. Achene straw-colored, gray, or ivory white, 3-4 mm, glabrous, apex with a short crenulate crown. Pappus in 1 row, light brown, bristles 1.3-1.5 cm and plumose. Fl. and fr. Sep-Oct.

● Alpine grasslands; ca. 4000 m. SW Sichuan (Muli).


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