6. Crepis coreana (Nakai) H. S. Pak, Fl. Coreana. 7: 378. 1999.
宽叶还阳参 kuan ye huan yang shen
Hieracium coreanum Nakai, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 29: 9. 1915.
Herbs 25-55 cm tall, perennial, with a short ± oblique rhizome. Stem solitary, erect, branched from middle or in apical portion, rarely unbranched, sparsely arachnoid hairy sometimes mixed with black rigid hairs especially in synflorescence. Basal leaves present at anthesis; petiole 1.5-11.5 cm, winged; leaf blade spatulate to elliptic, 4-8 × 2-3.5 cm, glabrous or sparsely arachnoid hairy, margin sharply and pectinately dentate to rarely lyrately pinnatifid, base cuneately attenuate, apex obtuse, rounded, or acute. Lower stem leaves with winged petiole 3.5-6 cm, base subclasping or not; leaf blade elliptic, 7-13 × 2-2.5 cm, margin sharply and pectinately dentate, otherwise similar to basal leaves. Middle stem leaves sessile, elliptic, 7-11.5 × 2-4 cm, base cordate and clasping, apex acute to acuminate, otherwise similar to lower stem leaves. Upper stem leaves similar to middle stem leaves but smaller upward on stem and apex more acuminate. Synflorescence corymbiform, with few to several capitula. Capitula with many florets; peduncle 1.5-4 cm or more. Involucre dark green to blackish, broadly cylindric to campanulate, 1-1.3 × 0.7-1 cm. Phyllaries abaxially glabrous or sparsely white hairy (especially at apex) or with black long simple hairs on midvein, apex acute; outer phyllaries narrowly triangular to lanceolate, longest ca. 6[-7] mm. Anther tube 3.5-4 mm. Achene ± cylindric to fusiform, 4-6 mm. Pappus white, ca. 6 mm. Fl. and fr. Jul-Sep.
Forests, forest margins, meadows, steppes; 1600-2200 m. Jilin, Liaoning [NE Korea].
Crepis coreana was originally described and until recently included in Hieracium. H. S. Pak (Fl. Coreana 7: 378. 1999) and Sennikov and I. D. Illarionova (Bot. Zhurn. 86(3): 37-59. 2001) first stated its actual affinity to Crepis and transferred the species correspondingly. It is possibly related to C. sibirica.