95. Taraxacum goloskokovii Schischkin, Fl. URSS. 29: 748. 1964.
小叶蒲公英 xiao ye pu gong ying
Herbs 5-8 cm tall. Petiole pinkish green, ± unwinged; leaf blade mid-green, linear to linear-oblanceolate, 5-8 × (0.3-)0.5-0.7(-1.2) cm, glabrous, undivided, margin entire or with irregular short linear lateral teeth (1-3 on each side) or pinnatisect; lateral lobes 2 or 3 pairs, linear-triangular, to 5 mm, usually subrecurved, margin entire; interlobes narrow, margin ± entire; terminal lobe linear-triangular, base sagittate. Scapes brownish green, equaling leaves, glabrous. Capitulum ca. 1.5 cm wide. Involucre 6-7 mm wide, base ± rounded. Outer phyllaries 10-15, deep grayish green, not imbricate, narrowly lanceolate, outermost ones 5-6(-7) × 1.3-2 mm and ca. 1/2 as long as inner ones, ± appressed to loosely appressed, border paler, narrow, and indistinct or sharply delimited and 0.1-0.3 mm wide, margin glabrous, flat to blackish callose below obtuse apex; inner phyllaries 1-1.2 cm, flat to subcorniculate below apex. Ligules yellow; outer ligules outside striped pinkish black. Stigmas deep (pale brownish) yellow. Anthers polliniferous; pollen grains irregular in size. Achene grayish straw-colored brown, ca. 5 × 0.9-1 mm; body ± smooth or apically with a few minute tubercles, cone not discernible; beak 1.5-3 mm, ± thick. Pappus ± white, ca. 5.5 mm. Fl. summer. Agamosperm.
Along alpine streams, stream terraces; 3000-3700 m. SW Xinjiang [Kazakhstan].
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