2. Carpesium tracheliifolium Lessing, Linnaea. 6: 233. 1831.
粗齿天名精 cu chi tian ming jing
Carpesium cernuum Linnaeus var. tracheliifolium (Lessing) C. B. Clarke.
Stems 30-50 cm tall, usually sparsely pubescent. Leaves ovate, 4-15 × 2-8 cm, sparsely pubescent on surfaces, with subsessile glands abaxially, base usually acuminate to attenuate, margin subentire to coarsely serrate; lower leaves broadly (rarely narrowly) petiolate; upper ones sessile or shortly petiolate. Capitula 1-8 in racemes or spikes at branch ends, suberect to pendulous, 2-10 mm in diam., surrounded by leaflike bracts 4.5-37 × 2-9 mm. Involucre 4- or 5-seriate; phyllaries mostly oblong, to 3.5-5.2 mm, scarious, obtuse, outer ones sometimes shorter or herbaceous above or ovate and rounded to acuminate at apex. Disk florets: corollas ca. 2 mm, tube glabrous or hairy. Achenes ca. 3 mm, narrowed above to glandular apex. Fl. Jul-Aug, fr. Sep-Oct.
Valleys, forests; 2000-3500 m. Sichuan, Taiwan, Xizang, Yunnan [Bhutan, India, Kashmir, Nepal].
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