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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 13 | Clusiaceae | Hypericum

1. Hypericum sect. Ascyreia Choisy, Prodr. Monogr. Hypéric. 37. 1821.

金丝桃组 jin si tao zu

Norysca Spach.

Shrubs or subshrubs, glabrous, without dark glands or very rarely with sepals reddish glandular-ciliate (species no. 6). Leaves usually with abaxial glands. Sepals nearly always free, margin entire or denticulate (very rarely glandular). Petals and stamens deciduous after anthesis (rarely tardily); petal apiculus usually present. Stamen fascicles 5, free (or very rarely apparently 4), anthers dorsifixed. Styles (4 or)5, free or partly united. Capsule valves smooth. Seeds often carinate or ± winged.

Forty-seven species: Bulgaria and Pontic Turkey, from Pakistan to China and N Vietnam, and in S India, Sri Lanka, and SE Asia to Flores and Sulawesi; 30 species (20 endemic) in China.

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