Description from
Flora of China
Funckia Dennstedt (1818), not Willdenow (1808); Pokornya Montrouzier; Problastes Reinwardt; Pyrrhanthus Jack.
Trees small or shrubs, evergreen. Leaves spiraled, densely crowded at apices of branchlets; leaf blade spatulate to narrowly oblanceolate, gradually narrowed into a short petiole, somewhat fleshy, glossy and glabrous when mature; lateral veins inconspicuous or obscure. Inflorescences axillary or terminal, short, several-flowered spikes or racemes. Calyx tube cylindric or cylindric-ellipsoid, not differentiated into proximal and distal parts, bearing 2 deltoid bracteoles minutely glandular pilose at margin; lobes 5, persistent, deltoid or broadly triangular, margin minutely glandular pilose. Petals 5, red or white, rarely pink [or yellow]. Stamens 5-10. Style persistent. Fruit fusiform or ellipsoid, obtusely angled, dry, ± woody, nearly smooth or longitudinally wrinkled, apex bearing persistent calyx lobes and style.
The species of this genus are trees of mangrove forests, banks of tidal creeks, and borders of coastal fishponds.
Two species: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan (Ryukyu Islands), S Korea, Malaysia, New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam; E Africa (including Madagascar), N Australia, Pacific islands; two species in China.