21. Mandevilla Lindley, Bot. Reg. 26: t. 7. 1840.
文藤属 wen teng shu
Description from Flora of China
Lianas usually glabrous, with latex. Leaves opposite; stipules interpetiolar, reduced to many linear segments. Racemes axillary, few flowered. Flowers large. Calyx deeply divided, with many basal glands inside. Corolla funnelform; tube narrow, more than 2 cm, limb campanulate; faucal scales absent; lobes overlapping to right. Stamens inserted and included in widened part of corolla tube; filaments short; anthers oblong, adherent at middle to pistil head, cells obtusely caudate; disc 5-cleft. Ovaries free, glabrous; ovules numerous. Style glabrous; pistil head with a 2-cleft mucro. Follicles long, slender. Seeds narrowly oblong, not beaked, comose.
About 120 species: Central and South America, one species cultivated in China.
Lower Taxon
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