Description from
Flora of China
Herbs perennial, erect. Leaves sessile or petiolate, simple; leaf blade coarsely serrate. Verticillasters many flowered, numerous, remote or in spikes; bracteoles spinescent to linear-lanceolate, rigid or flaccid. Calyx obconical, 10-veined; teeth 5, equal, triangular, puberulent or silky-villous outside, glabrous inside, apex spinescent. Corolla reddish, 2-lipped; tube with oblique, interrupted villous annulus on basal 1/3 inside; upper lip erect, ovate, margin entire, densely villous outside, glabrous inside; lower lip spreading, glabrous, 3-lobed; middle lobe circular to obovate, apex emarginate; lateral lobes ovate. Stamens 4, ascending to underside of upper lip of corolla, anterior 2 longer, glabrous, posterior 2 puberulent; anthers ovoid, cells 2, divaricate. Style apex equally 2-cleft, lobes subulate. Disc apex truncate, undulate. Nutlets oblong, triquetrous, apex obliquely truncate, glabrous.
Three species: China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan.