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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Lauraceae | Lindera

Lindera villipes Tsui


Description from Flora of China

Evergreen small trees, 5-8 m tall. Two-year-old branchlets yellowish brown, nearly glabrous, many lenticellate, rather scabrous; young branchlets densely yellowish brown tomentose. Bud scales yellowish or brown sericeous. Leaves alternate; petiole 0.1-1.5 cm, densely yellowish brown villous; leaf blade gray-green abaxially, green and shiny adaxially, oblong or obovate, 4.5-15 × 2.3-5.2 cm, leathery, dirty yellowish tomentose abaxially, rather dense along veins and on base, later deciduous and nearly glabrous, trinerved, reticulate veins distinct, more convex abaxially than adaxially, base rounded, apex long acuminate. Umbels 2 or 3, axillary, not pedunculate; involucral bracts 4, decussate, nearly equal in length, yellow-brown tomentose outside, 5- or 6-flowered inside. Male flowers: tepals 6 or 8; stamens 9-12, 2-glandular at filament base in 3rd whorl; glands rounded-reniform, stipitate, sometimes 1 at filament base in 2nd whorl; reduced ovary obovate; style densely yellowish villous; stigma disciform. Female flowers not seen. Young fruits green, ferruginous pubescent. Fl. Mar-Apr, fr. Jun-Jul.

● Evergreen broad-leaved forests on mountain slopes; 2400-3200 m. SE Xizang, W Yunnan.


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