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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Lauraceae | Machilus

Machilus minutiloba S. Lee


Description from Flora of China

Persea minutiloba (S. K. Lee) Kostermans.

Small trees. Branchlets blackish brown with small elliptic lenticels, glabrous, conspicuously swollen and densely brown tomentose at nodes. Terminal buds almost brown tomentose. Leaves clustered at apex of branchlet; petiole slender, 8-12 mm; leaf blade oblong, 6-10 × 1.5-2.8 cm, leathery, abaxially puberulent, midrib conspicuously elevated abaxially, slightly concave adaxially, lateral veins slender, 10-14 pairs, veinlets slender, densely reticulate, base cuneate, apex obtuse. Flowers unknown. Infructescences paniculate, at lower part of current year branchlet, 5.5-9.5 cm, branched at middle of peduncle. Fruit compressed globose, ca. 1.2 cm in diam.; persistent perianth lobes oblong, gray appressed pubescent on both surfaces; fruiting pedicel slender, 6-8 mm. Fr. Jun.

● Mixed forests on mountain slopes. SE Zhejiang (Yandang Shan).


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