Description from
Flora of China
Persea nakao (S. K. Lee) Kostermans.
Trees, to 20 m; trunk to 1 m d.b.h. Bark gray-brown to blackish gray. Branchlets gray-brown, terete, with longitudinally elevated lenticels and leaf scars; young branchlets brownish, brownish tomentose, becoming glabrate. Leaves scattered on upper part of branchlet; petiole 9-20 mm, tomentose when young, glabrate later; leaf blade obovate-elliptic, 8.5-18 × 2.8-5.8 cm, leathery, abaxially sparsely pubescent especially along veins, brownish red when dry, adaxially glabrous, midrib abaxially conspicuously raised, adaxially concave, lateral veins 6-8(-10) pairs, abaxially distinctly elevated, adaxially flat and slender, veinlets foveolate adaxially, base cuneate, apex obtuse or rounded. Inflorescences in patent pleiochasium, terminal or on upper part of branchlet, 4-17 cm, branched at middle or upper part of peduncle; peduncle up to 1/2 or 2/3 length of inflorescence, densely pubescent. Flowers white or yellowish, ca. 5 mm. Perianth lobes ovate, tomentose on both surfaces, unequal, inner ones ca. 5 mm, outer ones smaller. Stamens shorter than perianth lobes, hairy at base, glands of 3rd series reniform. Staminodes sagittate, shorter than stamens. Ovary globose, glabrous; style longer than ovary, curved. Fruit green, globose, ca. 3 cm in diam.; persistent perianth lobes not thickened. Fl. Jul-Oct, fr. Sep-Apr.
Thickets on slopes, open forests, sometimes in forests by streams. Guangxi (Luchuan), Hainan [Vietnam].