Neolitsea howii Allen
Description from Flora of China
Trees or shrubs, up to 9 m tall. Young branchlets and petioles appressed gray pubescent. Leaves alternate or clustered at apex of branchlet, subverticillate; petiole 1-1.5 cm, stout, wrinkled; leaf blade obovate or elliptic, 9.5-18 × 3.5-7 cm, glaucous, gray-white pubescent, and becoming glabrous abaxially, glabrous and shiny adaxially, triplinerved, lateral veins 3 or 4 pairs, lowermost pair arising 0.5-1 cm from base, with 6-8 fine veinlets at one side near margin, base acute, apex acuminate. Fruiting inflorescence umbellate, axillary, with 7 fruits, sessile. Fruit ellipsoid or nearly globose, ca. 12 × 9 mm, glabrous, seated on shallowly discoid perianth tube; fruiting pedicel 4-5 mm, stout, pubescent. Fr. Aug.
● Mixed forests on mountains. Hainan.
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