Neolitsea phanerophlebia Merr.
Description from Flora of China
Small trees, up to 10 m tall. Branchlets and petioles densely ferruginous pubescent. Leaves verticillate or scattered; petiole 1-2 cm; leaf blade oblong to oblong-elliptic or oblong-lanceolate to ovate, 6-13 × 2-4.5 cm, glaucous, densely appressed pubescent and villous abaxially, triplinerved, lateral veins 3 or 4 pairs, lowermost pair arising 5-10 mm from base, with 6-8 veinlets at one side near margin, base acute or obtuse, apex acuminate. Umbels 2-4-fascicled, axillary, sessile, male umbel 5- or 6-flowered. Pedicel 2-3 mm. Perianth segments 4, ovate. Male flowers: fertile stamens 6; filaments pubescent at base, of 3rd whorls each with 2 rounded glands at base; rudimentary pistil lacking. Fruit subglobose, 5-9 mm in diam., glabrous, purple-black at maturity; fruiting pedicel 5-7 mm, with appressed pubescence. Fl. Oct-Nov, fr. Jul-Aug of next year.
● Sparse forests in valleys; below 1000 m. Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Hunan, Jiangxi.
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