8. Campylopodiella Card., Bull. Herb. Boissier, sér. 2. 8: 90. 1908.
Plants small to minute, yellowish green to yellowish brown, in loose to compact tufts. Stems radiculose, simple or branched; brood bodies absent. Leaves erect-patent, appressed or somewhat secund, rarely homomallous, linear-lanceolate; margins entire or serrulate at the tips; costa relatively broad, filling 1/3 – 2/3 the leaf base width, almost all of the subula, excurrent, in cross section, with a median row of disconnected stereid cells, enclosed by a row of large, thin-walled, hyaline cells on both surfaces; laminal cells thin-walled, smooth, oblong-hexagonal in the shoulder, elongate-rectangular near the base, marginal cells narrower; alar cells weakly differentiated. Dioicous or paroicous. Setae yellowish to reddish brown, erect; capsules erect, elliptic to cylindric, yellowish, without stomata; opercula long-rostrate; annuli well developed, in 2 rows, revolute; peristome teeth divided halfway down or nearly to the base, papillose or striate at the base. Calyptrae cucullate, ciliate or nearly entire at the base. Spores papillose.
Campylopodiella contains four species in the world. One species is known from Asia.
Gametophytically, Campylopodiella is very similar to Brothera, especially in the cross section of costa. Takaki (1973) separated the two genera based on their setae. He described Brothera as having curved setae and Campyopodiella as having erect ones. Frahm (1984) disagreed with this distinction because he discoverd that the setae of Campylopodiella are also flexuose as those of Brothera, although they are not typically curved. He further suggested that the difference of calyptrae between the two genera is not constant. Thus, Frahm (1984) concluded that the two closely related genera are mainly differentiated by the width of the costa.