4. Campylopus flexuosus (Hedw.) Brid., Muscol. Recent. Suppl. 4: 71. 1819 [1818]; Dicranum flexuosum Hedw., Sp. Musc. Frond. 145. 1801.
Plants small to large, 1–10 cm high, olive green or yellowish green, shiny, in dense tufts. Stems erect, or ascending, slightly curved, simple or branched, radiculose below; central strand present. Leaves flexuose when dry, erect-patent or slightly secund when moist, lanceolate, ca. 6 mm long, gradually narrowed to a subulate, denticulate apex; margins plane, entire or only serrulate at the apex; costa occupying ca. ½ the leaf base width, and 2/3 the upper leaf width, excurrent in a concolorous point, smooth or slightly roughened, not ridged at back in the upper part, with only dorsal stereid band in transverse section; upper cells quadrate to short-rectangular or slightly oblique; basal cells rectangular, thick-walled, forming 1–2 rows of narrower cells at the margins; alar cells forming well marked auricles, inflated, often brownish. Dioicous. Sporophytes not seen.
Type. Germany: Dillenius s.n.
Chinese specimens examined: FUJIAN: De-hua Co., P.-Z. Zheng 823, 840 (IBSC); Wuyi Shan (Mt.), D.-K. Li & C.-H. Gao 11154 (SHM). GUANGXI: Tian-lin Co., C. Gao et al. 2435 (IFSBH); Xing-an Co., C. Gao & G.-C. Zhang 1319, 1431 (IFSBH). JIANGXI: Lu Shan (Mt.), L.-J. Bi 15 (IFSBH). LIAONING: Kuan-dian Co., X.-L. Ma 910633 (MO). SICHUAN: Zhuo-si-jia Co., Z.-T. Guan 2455 (MO). YUNNAN: Si-mao Co., R.-L. Xiong 6451 (YUKU); Teng-chong Co., X.-J. Li 484 (KUN). ZHEJIANG: Sui-chang Co., Z.-L. Liu 1056 (HSNU, MO).
Habitat: on wet soil or soil over rocks in shade; Distribution: China, Nepal, Europe, Russian Far East, North, Central and South America, Australia, New Zealand, and Madgascar.
Illustrations: C. Gao (ed.) 1994 (Pl. 62, figs. 1–7).