14. Campylopus subulatus Schimp. in Rabenhorst, Bryoth. Eur. No. 9. 451. 1861.
Campylopus latinervis (Mitt.) Jaeg., Ber. Thätigk. St. Gallischen Naturwiss. Ges. 1870–71: 426. 1872. Dicranum latinervis Mitt., J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot., Suppl. 1: 17. 1859.
Plants minute to medium-sized, 4–20 mm high, yellowish green or golden brown, not shiny, in loose tufts. Stems erect or ascending, often simple, rarely branched, radiculose at base. Leaves stiff and erect, 2–4(–5) mm long, appressed when dry, erect-spreading when moist, narrowly lanceolate, gradually narrowed from about the middle to a short, subulate acumen, lamina extending beyond 1/3 the leaf length; margins plane, entire below, faintly serrulate at the apex; costa occupying less than 2/3 the leaf base width, shortly excurrent, often ending in a smooth or denticulate, concolorous point, distinctly ridged and serrate at back in the upper part, without stereids in transverse section, dorsal cells with incrassate walls and lumina too large to qualify as substereids; upper cells subquadrate to short-rectangular, thick-walled; basal cells narrowly rectangular, hyaline, thin-walled, becoming linear at the margins; alar cells lax, often hyaline, inflated, sometimes slightly protruding into the costa. Dioicous. Setae ca. 10 mm long, straight when dry, cygneous when moist, yellowish brown; capsules erect, ellipsoidal to short-cylindric, symmetric or slightly asymmetric, not contracted below the mouth; opercula obliquely long-rostrate. Calyptrae fringed at base. Spores ca. 28 µm in diameter, brownish.
Type. Italy: “circum Gratsch et Algund prope Meran.”.
Chinese specimens examined: GUANGDONG: Ding-hu Shan (Mt.), H. Wu B118 (IBSC). HAINAN: Bawangling (Mt.), C.-H. Gao 25338 (SHM). SICHUAN: Mu-li Co., C. Gao 20335 (IFSBH); Ya-an Co., Q. Li 957 (IFSBH). XIZANG: Nie-la-mu Co., S.-K. Chen 180 (KUN, as Campylopus latinervis); Mt. Everest, X.-G. Wang 57 (MO, as Campylopus latinervis). YUNNAN: Da-li Co., Redfearn et al. 1464b (MO); Djieu-djiang, Handel-Mazzetti 9434 (H); Gong-shan Co., M.-Z. Wang 94409 (PE, as Campylopus latinervis); Li-jiang Co., W.-X. Xu 925 (YUKU).
Habitat: on wet rocks or sandy soil; Distribution: China, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Japan, Europe, and North America.
Illustrations: C. Gao (ed.) 1994 (Pl. 65, figs. 1–9).