9. Campylopus laxitexus Sande Lac., Natuurk. Verh. Kon. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam. 13: 10. 1872.
Campylopus gracilentus Card., Bot. Centralbl. 19(2): 94. 1905. Type. China: Taiwan, Taitum, Faurie 35 (lectotype PC).
Campylopus gracilentus var. brevifolius Card., Bot. Centralbl. 19(2): 95. 1905. Type. China: Taiwan, Taitum, Faurie s.n. 1903 (holotype PC).
Plants small to medium-sized, 1–2(–4) cm high, green to yellowish, shiny, in loose or dense tufts. Stems erect, simple or rarely branched, comose foliate, radiculose at base; central strand present. Leaves flexuose or slightly falcate, when dry, erect-patent when moist, 3.0–4.0 mm × 0.3–0.4 mm, lanceolate, slightly contracted at base, rather abruptly narrowed from an oblong-ovate base to a long-subulate acumen; margins plane and entire below, inflexed above, serrulate near the apex; costa widest at base, occupying 1/3 – 2/3 the leaf base width, gradually narrowed upward, short- to long-excurrent, ending in a serrulate, subhyaline point, smooth, or rarely roughened at back in the upper part, with dorsal stereid band in transverse section; upper cells rhomboidal to elongate, incrassate; basal cells rectangular, or subquadrate, rather thin-walled, hyaline, becoming narrower and linear at the margins; alar cells quadrate or short-rectangular, somewhat inflated, sometimes not clearly differentiated, hyaline or brownish. Brood leaves absent. Dioicous. Perichaetial leaves sheathing at base, abruptly subulate. Setae straight or flexuose when dry, cygneous when moist, yellowish brown; capsules oblong-ovoid, inclined to horizontal, plicate when dry, yellowish brown; opercula conic-rostrate; annuli in 1 row of cells; peristome teeth divided to the middle, strongly papillose, reddish brown. Calyptrae fringed at base. Spores not seen.
Type. Indonesia: Java, Lacoste s.n.
Chinese specimens examined: JIANGXI: Lu Shan (Mt.), C. Gao 40762 (MO). TAIWAN: Miao-li Co., M.-J. Lai 9951 (MO); Nan-tou Co., C.-C. Chuang 589 (MO). YUNNAN: Jing-hong Co., Magill et al. 7802 (MO); Meng-hai Co., Magill et al. 7923 (MO); Meng-la Co., Magill et al. 7704 (MO); Yang-bi Co., Redfearn et al. 468 (MO).
Habitat: on soil; Distribution: China, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, New Guinea, the Pacific Islands, and Australia.
Illustrations: C. Gao (ed.) 1994 (Pl. 61, figs. 1–14, as Campylopus gracilentus).