15. Agriophyllum M. Bieb., FI. Taur.-Cauc. 3: 6. 1819 in obs; C. A. Meyer in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 12: 170. 1839; Moq., Chenopod. Monogr. 107. 1840; Ball in Tutin et al., Fl. Europ. 1: 100. 1964; Hedge in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 172: 114. 1997.
Rigid, spiny dendroid-stellate pubescent annuals, with alternate flat, spine-tipped leaves. Flowers in axillary-cymes, bracteate, forming capitate or oblong-obovoid spiny glomerules borne in the axils of nearly all leaves. Perianth of (0-) 1-3 (-5) scarious segments. Stamens 1-5. Ovary with 2 stigmas. Fruit strongly flattened, opening at maturity at the front and back by means of scarious winglets, terminating in a long 2-cleft or 3-pronged beak. Seeds vertical, oval, compressed with semi-transparent endosperm; embryo circular.
About 6 mainly psammophytic species in SE Europe, SW Asia to China. 1 recorded from Pakistan.
Lower Taxon
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