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10. Aloitis Rafin., Fl. Tellur. 3: 21. 1837. Omer Qaiser & Ali. in Pak. J. Bot. 20: 153. 1988; Omer & Qaiser in Pak. J. Bot. 24:101. 1992.


Department of Botany, University of Karachi, Karachi-75270

Aloitis maddeni

Credit: M. Rafiq

Erect, annual-perennial glabrous herbs. Basal leaves forming rosette, cauline opposite, loosely arranged, sessile. Inflorescence axillary-terminal, 2-3 flowered cyme. Flowers zygomorphic, long pedicellate, pentamerous. Calyx cylindric-campanulate, 5-lobed, lobes irregularly un equal, never distichous. Corolla 5-lobed, campanulate, variously coloured: pink, purple, blue or white, plicae or subsdiary lobes of the corolla absent, naked inside (without any fimbriae or ciliae), margin of lobes entire. Stamens alternating and corresponding with petals. Anthers versatile, filaments adnate to the corolla tube in the middle or below. Nectaries epipetalous at the base of the corolla tube, double the number of petals. Ovary superior, unilocular with numerous ovules and parietal placentation with a distinct gynaphore, stigmas 2, prominent, sessile or subsessile. Capsule stipitate, ± exserted. Seeds elliptic-oval, striately reticulated or with subsmooth surface.

A genus of c.20 species, distributed in high and cold mountains of Europe, Asia and America.

Aloitis Rafin. differs from Gentianella Moench (s.str.) on the basis of naked corolla throat, unequal calyx lobes and distinct gynophore. It differs from Gentianopsis Ma on the basis of unequal calyx lobes which are not distichous, pentamerous flowers, reticulate-smooth seeds, mucronate corolla lobes, and a pair of epipetalous nectaries. Aloitis Rafin. differs from

Comastoma Toyok. on the basis of naked corolla throat, a pair of epipetalous nectaries and a distinct gynophore (see Omer S., M. Qaiser and S.I. Ali in Pak. J. Bot. 20:153-160. 1988). Simultaneously, the chromosome number also differs from Gentianopsis Ma (2n= 36).

1 Calyx lobes ovate with black margin and midrib   1 Aloitis azurea
+ Calyx lobes linear-lanceolate or oblanceolate-spathulate, without black margin and midrib   (2)
2 (1) Calyx tube longer than the lobes   2 Aloitis falconeri
+ Calyx tube shorter than the lobes   (3)
3 (2) Largest calyx lobe ± equalling corolla tube   (4)
+ All calyx lobes shorter than the length of corolla tube   (5)
4 (3) Plants not exceeding 5 (-7) cm in height. Basal leaves 0.3-0.5 x 0.1-0.3 cm, spathulate, ovate or lanceolate. Inflorescence not umbellate   6 Aloitis holosteoides
+ Plants more than 8.0 cm in height. Basal leaves 0.8-2.5 x 0.5-1.2 cm, obovate-oblanceolate. Inflorescence umbellate cymes   5 Aloitis umbellata
5 (3) Stem purplish-pink   (6)
+ Stem not purplish pink   (7)
6 (5) Calyx lobes equal in length but unequal in breadth. Corolla lobes obtuse-rounded   4 Aloitis moorcroftiana
+ Calyx lobes unequal in all respects. Corolla lobes acute-acuminate   7 Aloitis smithii
7 (5) Corolla lobes distinctly mucronate, pink in colour. Stamens reaching the sinuses of corol-la lobes. Margin of calyx lobes scabrid   8 Aloitis stoliczkai
+ Corolla lobes obtuse, blue in colour. Stamens exserted. Margin of calyx lobes not scabrid   3 Aloitis maddeni

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