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Pakistan | Family List | Pakistan V. 204 | Chenopodiaceae

16. Anthochlamys Fenzl in Endlich., Gen. Plant. 300. 1837; Hedge in Rech.f., Fl.Iran. 172: 117. 1997.

Annuals, with oval to oblong, short-petioled lower leaves; the others narrower, attenuate towards base. Flowers in terminal spiciform inflorescence, perfect, ebracteolate solitary (not in groups). Perianth deeply 5-partite, with 2-lobed oblong segments. Stamens 5; anthers oblong, terminating in a minutely tuberculate appendage. Ovary pyriform, with 2 sessile or sub-sessile stigmas. Fruit vertical, compressed, winged. Seeds with endosperm and annular embryo.

A genus of 5-6 species with its probable centre of diversity in Iran.

Lower Taxon


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