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Pakistan | Family List | Pakistan V. 204 | Chenopodiaceae

18. Arthrocnemum Moq., Chenopod. Monogr. 111. 1840; Hook. f., FI. Brit. 5: 11. 1886; Boiss., FI. Or. 4: 932. 1879; Hedge in Rech.f., Fl.Iran. 172:128.1997.

Halophytic, succulent, much branched shrubs with jointed leafless stems, sometimes rooting at nodes; internodal segments usually club-shaped, each with a pair of opposite, terminal cups embracing the base of the next segment, and subtending a group of 3 flowers (hermaphrodite or unisexual) ± immersed in the cup. Perianth 3-4-fid, becoming somewhat swollen and spongy in fruit. Stamens 1 (-2). Style rather long with 2 (-3) stigmas. Fruit a utricle with membranous or indurated pericarp. Seed vertical usually endospermous with arcuate embryo.

About 5 species, chiefly of saline marshy places and sea coasts of the Mediterranean and Irano-Turanian regions; 2 species occur in Pakistan.

1 Seeds smooth glossy; mat-forming herb or shrub; spicate inflorescences 5-7 mm in diameter.   2 A. indicum
+ Seeds finely striate, rugulose-papillose; erect shrub, 40- 100 (-120) cm high; spicate inflorescence 4-5 mm in diameter   1 A. macrostachyum

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