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Pakistan V. 204 Login | eFloras Home | Help
Pakistan | Family List | Pakistan V. 204 | Chenopodiaceae

10. Camphorosma Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 122. 1753; Gen. P1. ed. 5: 58. 1754; Boiss., F1. Or. 4: 920. 1879; Kom., F1. URSS. 6: 116. 1936; Ball in Tutin et al., F1. Europ. 1: 98. 1964; Aellen in Davis, F. Turk. 2: 314. 1966; Hedge in Rech. f., F1. Iran. 172: 94. 1997.

Dwarf shrubs or herbs, stems ± thickly pubescent and leaves alternate or crowded, rigid, linear, subulate to acicular, pubescent to glabrous. Flowers hermaphrodite or female, without bracteoles, solitary, axillary, often forming short, pseudo-spikes; perianth segments 4 (-5), with the 2 lateral segments larger, united from base to above the middle, hairy or glabrous towards the base, membranous with green apex. Stamens 4 (-5), usually ± exserted, seed vertical with a hook-shaped to nearly circular embryo.

About 10 species, mostly E. Europe & C. Asia; 1 species is recorded from Pakistan.

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