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Pakistan | Family List | Asclepiadaceae

16. Caralluma R. Brown in Mem. Wern. Soc. 1:25. 1810. Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bomb. reprint ed. 2:243.1958; Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 73:17.1970.


Caralluma edulis

Credit: Surayya Khatoon

Succulent, perennial, branched herbs. Stem erect, branched, 4-angled, glabrous. Leaves small caducous. Flowers single or few or many-flowered sessile lateral cymes or many-flowered inflorescence from the top of the stem. Calyx 5-partite, lobes ovate to linear-lanceolate, Corolla purple or yellowish with purple streaks, rotate or broadly campanulate, 5-lobed, valvate in bud. Corona double, attached to the staminal column; the outer corona of 5 deeply bifid segments; the innner corona of 5 linear segments incumbent on the anthers. Staminal column short, arising from the base of the corolla; anthers without appendages. Pollen mass 1 in each anther cell, with a pellucid margin. Follicles 9-11 cm long, narrowly fusiform, smooth.

A genus with about a hundred species, distributed in Africa, Spain, Arabia, Middle East, Pakistan and India; represented in Pakistan by the two species.

1 Stem tapering, subterete. Flowers in pairs on long pedicels in the axil of scale leaves   1 Caralluma edulis
+ Stem angular, flowers in terminal cymes   2 Caralluma tuberculata

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