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Pakistan | Family List | Gentianaceae

3. Centaurium Hill, Brit. Herb. 62. 1756. emend. Adans. Fain. P1. 2: 507.1763; Thomas Elias & Rolyns in Ann. Miss. Bot. Gard. 62: 78. 1975; Jakobson in Davis, Fl. Turk. 6: 178. 1978; Garg, Gent. N. W. Himal. 67. 1987; Ho, in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 62: 9.1988.


  • Erythraea Renealm. ex Borckh.

    Erect - suberect, annual - perennial, solitary or branched or procumbent herb. Stem quadrangular, leafy or slender. Basal leaves rosulate, persistent or disappearing at fruiting. Inflorescence cymose or spicate cyme; cyme lax or compact, sometimes capituliform. Flowers tetra-pentamerous, variously coloured: white, pink, purple, purplish, blue, yellow, tubular, sessile-pedicellate. Calyx narrow, parted nearly to the base or not, lobes acute - acuminate, keeled or angular. Corolla tubular, subinfundibular, funnel shaped, tube more than the length of lobes. Stamens inserted near the sinuses of corolla lobes; anthers narrow, basifixed, spirally twisted after anthesis. Ovary 1-celled, style bifid at apex, stigmas capitate. Capsule oblong, fusiform or ovate. Seeds numerous, minute, reddish brown-black, reticulate.

    A genus of 30-40 species, distributed throughout the world, except Africa. In Pakistan, it is represented by 5 (3 specific & 2 infraspecific) taxa.

    1 Inflorescence capitate, corymbose or dichasial cyme   (2)
    + Inflorescence a spicate cyme   1 Centaurium spicatum
    2 (1) Stem branched stiffly in the upper part. Inflorescence a dense corymbiform cyme   3 Centaurium tenuiflorum
    + Stem unbranched or branched from base, or from middle but not stiff. Inflorescence a dichacial or capitate cyme   2 Centaurium pulchellum

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