7. Ceratocarpus Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 969. 1753; Gen, P1.ed.5: 416. 1754; Ball in Tutin et a1., F1. Europ. 1: 98. 1964; Aellen in Davis, Fl.Turk.2:313.1966; Kom., Fl. URSS 6: 110. 1936; Hedge in Rech.f., F1. Iran. 172: 91. 1997.
Monoecious annual herbs, stellate-dendroid hairy with forked branches and linear to oblong, narrow, entire leaves; the lower usually broader than the upper ones. Staminate flowers ebracteolate, in groups of 2-5, mostly in the axils of upper leaves, shortly pedicellate with a 2-lobed perianth and 1 stamen. Pistillate flowers solitary, without perianth, with a hairy ovary and 2 long filiform stigmas, enclosed by 2 united obcuneate or obovate involucral bracteoles; fruiting bracteoles terminated by 2 long, acute, straight, spreading aculeiform spines.
Probably a monotypic genus, distributed in Iran, C. Asia to Pakistan.
Lower Taxon
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