31. Cornulaca Delile, Descr. Egypte Hist. Nat. 206. t. 22. fig. 3. 1813; Boiss., Fl. Or. 4: 983. 1879; Kom., Fl. URSS 6: 350. 1936; Boulos in Miller & Cope, Fl. Arab. Penins. Socot. 1: 260. 1996; Hedge in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 172: 351. 1997.
Herbs or low shrubs with alternate sessile leaves, usually spiny or spinulose at apex. Flowers hermaphrodite or polygamous, solitary or in 3-flowered glomerules. Perianth-segments 5, free nearly to base, hyaline, the anterior segment usually developing a long prickle in fruit. Stamens usually 5; anthers not appendaged. Stigmas 2. Utricle included in perianth, ovoid, laterally compressed, free from perianth. Seed vertical with a spiral embryo.
A genus of 6 species, distributed from Egypt to SW Asia into Pakistan (Baluchistan). The easternmost limit ends in southern Baluchistan. Represented in Pakistan by 2 species.
1 |
Short-lived perennial becoming woody at base, or herbaceous annual. |
1 C. aucheri |
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Dwarf or sprawling shrubs. |
2 C. monacantha |
Lower Taxa
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