Cornus Linn., Sp.Pl. 117. 1753. Gen. Pl.ed.5:14.1754; Boiss., Fl.Or.2:1091. 1872; Brandis, For.Fl.252.1874; C.B. Clarke in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 2:744.1879; Hutch., Gen. Flow. Pl.2 :47.1967.
Svida OpizThelycrania (Dumort.) Fourr.
Trees or shrubs, glabrous or hairy. Leaves opposite, entire. Flowers in axillary or terminal branched cymes or heads, bisexual, tetramerous. Calyx entire, rounded or toothed. Carpels 2; ovary bilocular; style simple, stigma capitate.
The genus has about 40 species chiefly in the temperate regions. Re-presented here by 3 species.
1 |
Flowers sessile, in heads; involucral bracts conspicuous, petaloid. Fruit aggregated |
Cornus capitata |
+ |
Flowers pedicellate, in branched cymes; involucral bracts absent or inconspicuous. Fruit not aggregated |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Involucral bracts absent. Style swollen at the top. Fruit pubescent |
Cornus macrophylla |
+ |
Involucral bracts present. Style linear. Fruit almost glabrous |
Cornus oblonga |
Lower Taxa
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