Dalbergia Linn.f., Suppl.Pl. Syst.Veg. 52. 1781. (conserved name); Baker in Hook.f., Fl.Brit.Ind.2:230.1876; Duthie,Fl.Upp. Gang.Plain 1:242.1903; Parker, For.Fl.Punj.ed.3.166.1956.
Trees and shrubs. Leaves imparipinnate rarely unifoliolate, lateral leaflets alternate, exstipellate. Inflorescence a terminal or axillary cyme or panicle. Bract and bracteoles small. Calyx campanulate, teeth unequal. Vexillum ovate or orbicular. Keel petals united at the tip. Stamens 9 or 10, monadelphous or diadelphous. Ovary stipitate, ovules 1 to few, style incurved, glabrous, stigma capitate. Fruit samaroid, indehiscent, not winged, 1-4-seeded. Seed reniform, compressed.
A genus with about 300 species, mainly distributed in tropics and subtropics.
Lower Taxa
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