Gueldenstaedtia Fisch. in Mem.Soc.Nat.Moscou. 6:170. 1823. Baker in Hook. f.,Fl.Brit.Ind.2:117.1876; Ali in Candollea 18:137.1962.
Perennial herb. Root thick and woody. Stem almost absent to well developed, cylindrical, pilose. Leaf mostly imparipinnately compound; stipules present. Inflorescence a peduncled, many-flowered umbel. Flowers pedicellate, bracteate, bracteolate. Calyx bilipped, quinque denticulate. Vexillum almost twice the length of keel. Stamens monadelphous, 9+1. Ovary sessile, pilose or glabrous, style glabrous, in fruits at the most bent at right angles, or longer and bent on itself or circinate in fruit. Fruit many-seeded, dehiscent along both sutures. Seed pitted and glazed or smooth and maculate.
A genus with 10 species, Asiatic in distribution, represented by 1 species in Pakistan.
Lower Taxon
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