32. Halogeton C. A. Mey. in Ledeb., Icon. Pl. Fl. Ross. 1: 10. 1829; Fl. Alt. 1: 378. 1829; Boiss., Fl. Or. 4: 985. 1879; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 5: 20. 1886; Kom., Fl. URSS 6: 350. 1936; Hedge in Rech.f., Fl. Iran. 172: 356. 1997.
Annual herbs or shrubs with fleshy alternate leaves. Leaves semi-cylindrical to subglobular, sessile, mucronate, mostly terminating in a stiff bristle. Flowers hermaphrodite and pistillate together, crowded in axils among dense wool; middle flowers bractless, the laterals with 2-3 bracteoles. Perianth segments 5, nearly free, without mid-rib, the outer 2 or 3 (rarely all) gibbous or winged on back in fruit. Stamens (2-3-) 5; anthers with short or no appendages; staminodes 4-5, alternating with stamens. Ovary ovoid; style short with 2, filiform stigmas. Fruit (utricle) included in perianth with adherent, membranous pericarp; seed vertical (or horizontal), exalbuminous.
About 5 species in the Irano-Turanian and Saharo-Arabian region; 2 in Pakistan.
1 |
Pronounced tufts of hairs in the leaf axils; appendage of perianth segment somewhat triangular. |
2 H. tibeticus |
+ |
Leaf axils with few hairs; appendage of perianth segment suborbicular. |
1 H. glomeratus |
Lower Taxa
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