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Pakistan | Family List | Caryophyllaceae

7. Holosteum L., Sp. Pl. 88. 1753. Gen. Pl. ed. 5. 39. 1754; Boiss., Fl. Or. 1:709. 1867 Mumveva in Kom., Fl. URSS. 6:466. 1936; Walters in Tutin et al., Fl. Eur. 1:36. 1964; Coode in Davis, Fl. Turk. 2:85. 1967.


Annual. Stems erect. Leaves spathulate to lanceolate. Inflorescence terminal umbellate. Sepals 5. Petals 5, entire or irregularly toothed. Stamens 3-10. Styles 3. Capsule cylindrical, dehiscing by 6 teeth. Seeds asymmetrical, reniform, concave/convex.

A small European genus with 6 species, distributed in the temperate zones. Represented by a single species in Pakistan.

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