Maesa Forssk., Fl.Aegypt-Arab. 66. 1775. Benth & Hook.f., Gen. Pl.2:20.1876; C.B. Clarke in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 3:507.1882; Mez in Engler, Pflanzenr. 9 :15.1901; T. Cooke, Fl. Bomb. Pres. 2:140.1904; Hepper in Hutch. & Dalz., Fl. W. Trop. Afr. 2:32.1963; E.H. Walker, A revision of the Eastern Asiatic Myrsinaceae, Philipp., Jr. Sc. 73, 1-2: 1-258. 1940.
Baeobotrys Forst.
Evergreen trees or shrubs, with ovate to obovate, entire leaves, and usually axillary, simple or compound racemes. Flowers small, white, 5-merous, uni- or bi-sexual, bracteolate. Calyx shortly 5-toothed, persistent. Corolla campanulate with 5 imbricate lobes. Stamens 5; filaments short, united at the base of corolla-tube. Ovary semi-inferior, many-ovuled on a free central placenta; style short with capitate stigma. Berry many-seeded, globose, surrounded by persistent calyx; seeds minute, angular.
About 200 species, mainly in Old World tropics; represented here by 1 species.
Lower Taxon
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