Monochoria Presl, Rel. Haenk. 1:127. 1827. Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind.6:362. 1892; Duthie, Fl. Upper Gang. Pl. 3,2:268.1920; Kashyap, Lahore Dist. Fl. 246.1936; Backer and Haemstede in van Steenis, Fl. Males. ser. 1, vol. 4, 3:255.1951; Mitra, Fl. Pl. E. Ind. 1:26.1958; Ramamoorthy in Saldanha and Nicolson, Fl. Hassan Dist. 791.1976.
Gomphima Rafin.
Perennial glabrous herb with creeping rootstocks. Stems erect. Leaves alternate or solitary at top of stem, long petioled. Inflorescence racemose or subumbelliform, arising from a leaf sheath. Flowers shortly pedicellate. Perianth segments 3-1-3, free. Stamens 6, subequal; 1 filament longer with a lateral appendage and a larger anther. Ovary 3-locular, ovules numerous; stigma lobed. Fruit a loculicidal capsule, dehiscing explosively.
A genus with 3 species in the tropics of the Old World, NE Africa to Manchuria, Australia and Malaysia. One species is found in Pakistan.
Lower Taxon
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