Monochoria vaginalis (Burm. f.) Presl, Rel. Haenk. 1:128. 1827. Hook. f., l.c.363; Duthie, l.c.270; Kashyap, l.c.246; Backer and Heemstede, l.c.255; Stewart, Ann. Cat. Vase. Pl. W. Pak. and Kashm. 38.1972; Ramamoorthy, l.c.791.
Vern.: Cachiee.
Monochoria plantaginea KnuthPontederia plantaginea Roxb. Fl.Pontederia vaginalis Burm. f.
Rootstock small with adventitious roots. Stem suberect to erect. Leaves 25-70 x 11-39 mm, with 4-21 cm petiole; ovate to ovate-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, base rounded to cordate; nerves convergent. Inflorescence soon deflexed. Pedicel c. 7 mm long. Flowers buds lilac-blue. Perianth blue, spotted red, 8-8.5 mm long, oblong, subacute. Stamens c. half as long as the perianth. Ovary ovoid, 3 mm long; style c. 2 mm long, stigma 3-lobed. Capsule ovoid, c. 1 cm long. Seeds 1 mm long, elongated, ribbed longitudinally, transversely striated.
Fl. Per.: July-November.
Type: Not designated.
Distribution: SE Asia to China, Japan and throughout Malaysia.
Found in Marshy places, rice fields, from plains up to 1550 m but not common in our area. The vegetative parts of the plant vary in size and shape; the flowers are ephemeral (Backer and Heemstede, l.c.). Parts of the plants are used as a vegetable; root is chewed to cure toothache; bark used medicinally for asthma.
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