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Pakistan | Family List | Papilionaceae

Mucuna Adans., Fam. 2:325. 1763. (conserved name); Baker in Hook.f., Fl.Brit. Ind. 2:185.1876; Cooke, Fl. Bomb. Pres. (reprint ed.) 1:388. 1958; Parker, For.Fl. Punj. 3rd. ed. 156.1956.

  • Stizolobim P.Br.

    Climbing shrubs or herbs, young branches tomentose. Leaf pinnately trifoliolate, stipules deciduous; leaflets usually stipellate. Inflorescence racemose, fasciculate or subcorymbose. Flower purple, red or greenish yellow. Bracts caducous or small. Upper 2 teeth of calyx united, lower teeth longer. Vexillum shorter than the keel, auriculate at the base. Keel only slightly exceeding the wings, incurved, usually beaked. Stamens diadelphous, 9+1, the vexillary stamen free; alternate anthers longer. Ovary sessile, villous, ovules few, style thin, stigma terminal. Fruit usually clothed with stinging hairs, 2-valved, septate or filled between the seeds.

    A genus with about 160 species, distributed in the tropics: locally represented by 2 species.

    1 A woody climber, fruit transversely plaited   Mucuna nigricans
    + A slender climber, fruit not plaited   Mucuna pruriens

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