1 |
Terminal leaflet broadly triangular, base ± cordate, length ca. 1.3 × width; lateral leaflets obliquely truncate-cordate. |
15 M. cyclocarpa |
+ |
Terminal leaflet broadly or narrowly ovate or rhombic, base cuneate or rounded, length 1.5-2.5 × width, lateral leaflets obliquely rounded or only outer side with truncate base |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Mature leaves abaxially with dense pale silky adpressed hairs, lateral veins dark and conspicuously less pubescent |
(3) |
+ |
Mature leaves glabrous or spreading hairy, or if hairs adpressed then veins ± similarly hairy, not with conspicuously dark lines among pale pubescence |
(5) |
3 (2) |
Terminal leaflet relatively narrow (length 2-2.5 × width), apex with conspicuous narrow acumen 10-20 mm; leaflet hairs abaxially ca. 1 mm, closely adpressed, pale and fine, giving surface a conspicuously shiny-silvery silky appearance, lateral veins more sharply curved near margin and becoming indistinct or arching and joining; lowest calyx lobe shorter than or equaling tube. |
5 M. calophylla |
+ |
Terminal leaflet relatively broad (length 1.5-1.75 × width), apex acute or with short broad acumen to 5 mm; leaflet hairs at most half-adpressed and either much shorter, less than 0.5 mm, or coarser, yellowish orange and surface not shiny silky, lateral veins uniformly straight or slightly curved, clearly joining margin; lowest calyx lobe often to twice tube length |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Abaxial hairs on leaflets ca. 1 mm; lowest calyx lobe 8-10 mm, longer than tube; corolla wing ca. 4 × 1.4 cm, almost as long as keel. |
17 M. incurvata |
+ |
Abaxial hairs on leaflets less than 0.5 mm; lowest calyx lobe (3-)5-6 mm, slightly shorter or longer than tube; corolla wing 2.5-3.3 × 0.6-0.8 cm, conspicuously shorter than keel. |
18 M. bracteata |
5 (2) |
Standard and wings with apical 1/4-1/3 of margin pubescent |
(6) |
+ |
Standard and wings with margin not pubescent or pubescent only in basal 1/3 |
(11) |
6 (5) |
Flowers 5.5-6.5 cm, standard greenish white, wings and keel reddish or purple; wings 4-5.2(-5.6) cm. |
3 M. macrocarpa |
+ |
Flowers 7-9 cm, purple, red, and/or whitish; wings 6-7 cm |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Stipels persistent; corolla entirely purple or standard white |
(8) |
+ |
Stipels not persistent; corolla purple, white, or bicolored |
(9) |
8 (7) |
Standard, wings, and keel purple; wing relatively broad (length:width ratio 2.5-3:1). |
10 M. macrobotrys |
+ |
Standard white, wings and keel purple; wing often relatively narrow. |
3 M. macrocarpa (large-flowered form) |
9 (7) |
Leaflets abaxially glabrous or very sparsely hairy, often drying pale green; length:width ratio of terminal leaflet (2-)3-4:1; corolla greenish white. |
1 M. birdwoodiana |
+ |
Leaflets abaxially with abundant to dense often colored hairs, drying brownish green or black; length:width ratio of terminal leaflet usually 1.5-1.75:1; corolla white or partly purple |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Indumentum of leaflets red-brown; corolla purple with whitish or greenish standard; leaflets often with less than 5 lateral veins on either side. |
3 M. macrocarpa (large-flowered form) |
+ |
Indumentum of leaflets pale; corolla usually deep purple; leaflets with 5-8 lateral veins on either side. |
2 M. bodinieri |
11 (5) |
Flowers crowded in upper 2/3 of axis, lower flowerless part of axis with conspicuous bracts and scars; leaflets thickly papery or leathery, markedly discolorous, greenish gray abaxially in dry state and with lateral veins conspicuously stout, dark, prominent, less pubescent than rest of surface, ± straight, running into margin. |
18 M. bracteata |
+ |
Flowers evenly spaced throughout inflorescence length, or if only in upper 2/3 then lower flowerless part of axis without bracts or scars; leaflets papery or membranous, not markedly discolorous, venation neither conspicuously stout nor less pubescent than surface, running into margin or not |
(12) |
12 (11) |
Flowers crowded into upper 1/4 of axis, lower pedicels and ultimate peduncles to 2 cm, progressively shorter toward inflorescence apex, inflorescence pseudoumbellate; corolla white, to 4.4 cm; calyx teeth very short, lowest (1-)2-3 mm. |
6 M. gigantea |
+ |
Flowers well spaced or crowded near apex but pedicels all of similar length, ca. 1 cm or less, ultimate peduncles knoblike or rarely to ca. 0.4 cm, inflorescence racemose; corolla purple or white, often more than 5 cm; calyx teeth mostly long, lowest 5-15 mm (3-4 mm in M. lamellata) |
(13) |
13 (12) |
Wing of corolla with abundant long adpressed hairs 1-2 mm in upper 2/3 of inner surface; corolla purple or reddish brown |
(14) |
+ |
Wing of corolla glabrous except for short hairs in claw region; corolla purple or white |
(15) |
14 (13) |
Flowers 4-4.5 cm; terminal leaflet usually angular, rhombic, lateral veins straight throughout most of length and almost reaching margin. |
14 M. lamellata |
+ |
Flowers 5-5.5 cm; terminal leaflet rounded in outline, lateral veins curved, more sharply so near margin and becoming indistinct. |
11 M. hirtipetala |
15 (13) |
Leaflets with lateral veins clearly running into margin; lateral leaflets often very asymmetric, outer half 2-3 × as wide as inner |
(16) |
+ |
Leaflets with lateral veins curving and becoming indistinct or arching and joining near margin; lateral leaflets markedly asymmetric or not |
(17) |
16 (15) |
Calyx with lateral teeth ca. 6 × 5 mm, lowest tooth relatively broad, 8-10 × 4-5 mm, keel apex clawlike and convex, shiny on both surfaces in apical ca. 1 cm; leaflets abaxially with dense adpressed pale hairs ca. 1 mm. |
17 M. incurvata |
+ |
Calyx with lateral teeth 2-4 × 1.5-3 mm, relatively short compared to lowest tooth, lowest tooth narrow, 6-10 × 2-3 mm (ratio of lowest tooth to lateral teeth usually 2-3:1); keel apex less clawlike; leaflets abaxially glabrous or shortly pubescent. |
16 M. pruriens |
17 (15) |
Keel 4.8-7 cm |
(18) |
+ |
Keel 3.5-4.8 cm |
(22) |
18 (17) |
Stipels caducous; wing 2-3 × as long as wide, wing apex ± acute and horny, usually shiny and often pale; keel 6-7 cm; inflorescences arising from old wood; corolla purple. |
4 M. sempervirens |
+ |
Stipels persistent; wing 4-5 × as long as wide, wing apex not horny, rarely extreme tip slightly pale, usually ± rounded; keel to 5.7 cm; inflorescences on leafy stems; corolla purple or white |
(19) |
19 (18) |
Wing ca. 2 cm wide; leaflets rather angular in outline, terminal leaflet rhombic-ovate or rhombic-elliptic, narrowing gradually to evenly tapering acumen and relatively broad (length:width ratio ca. 1.5:1); corolla purple. |
9 M. membranacea |
+ |
Wing to 1.3 cm wide; leaflets with very curved outline, terminal leaflet elliptic or slightly obovate, narrowing abruptly to short broadly rounded acumen and often relatively narrower (length:width ratio (1.5-)2-2.5:1); corolla pink, purple, or white |
(20) |
20 (19) |
Hairs on inflorescence axis and calyx spreading, very short, 0.1-0.2 mm and almost velvety; corolla usually pink or purple, rarely white, 4.5-4.8 cm; bracts small, (5-)10-17 × (2-)5-7 mm, fairly early deciduous. |
8 M. revoluta |
+ |
Hairs on inflorescence axis and calyx adpressed, majority at least 0.4 mm, not velvety; corolla white or purple, usually 5-6 cm; at least lower bracts often persistent, large and broad, 20-40 × 10-20 mm |
(21) |
21 (20) |
Calyx lobes relatively broad, apex broadly acute, lowest ca. 5 mm wide; all bracts of similar form, broadly ovate, (22-)30-40 mm; corolla always white. |
7 M. interrupta |
+ |
Calyx lobes relatively narrow and long acuminate, lowest 2-3 mm wide; bracts subtending flowers elliptic or obovate, apex broadly rounded, often hooded, 10-20 mm; corolla usually dark purple. |
12 M. hainanensis |
22 (17) |
Persistent stipels absent; terminal leaflet relatively narrow (length:width ratio (2-)2.5:1), apex with very marked 1-2 cm acumen. |
5 M. calophylla |
+ |
Persistent stipels present; terminal leaflet usually relatively wide (length:width ratio rarely over 1.75:1), apex shortly, or not at all, acuminate |
(23) |
23 (22) |
Flowering pedicels 2-4 mm; pedicel and leaflet abaxially, especially on veins, with fine red-brown hairs; outer half of lateral leaflets ca. 1.5 × as wide as inner; corolla purple. |
13 M. championii |
+ |
Flowering pedicels 8-20 mm; lateral leaflets sometimes more asymmetric, outer half of lateral leaflets ca. 2 × as wide as inner; corolla purple or white |
(24) |
24 (23) |
Corolla wings relatively wide, ca. 2 cm wide; leaflets rather angular in outline, terminal leaflet rhombic-ovate or rhombic-elliptic, narrowing gradually to evenly tapering acumen and relatively broad (length:width ratio ca. 1.5:1); lateral leaflets often quite asymmetric with ratio of widths of 2 sides ca. 2:1. |
9 M. membranacea |
+ |
Corolla wings narrow, to 1.3 cm wide; leaflets with very rounded outline, terminal leaflet elliptic or slightly obovate, narrowing abruptly to short wide rounded acumen and often relatively narrower (length:width ratio (1.5-)2-2.5:1); lateral leaflets less asymmetric with ratio of widths of 2 sides ca. 1.5:1 |
(25) |
25 (24) |
Hairs on inflorescence axis and calyx spreading, 0.1-0.2 mm, indumentum almost velvety; flowers usually pink or purple, rarely white; bracts (5-)10-17 × (2-)5-7 mm, fairly early deciduous. |
8 M. revoluta |
+ |
Hairs on inflorescence axis and calyx adpressed, majority at least 0.4 mm, indumentum not velvety; flowers purple; at least lower bracts often persistent, 20-40 × 10-20 mm. |
12 M. hainanensis |