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Pakistan | Family List | Caryophyllaceae

14. Polycarpaea Lam. in Journ. Hist. Nat. Par. 2:3,t. 25. 1792. Boiss., Fl. Or. 1:738.1867; & Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 1:246.1876; Tackholm, Stud. Fl. Egypt. 956; Turrill, Caryophyllaceae in Turrill & Milne-Redhead, Fl. Trop. 5. 1956.
[nom. cons.]


Annual or perennial herbs. Stems branched, ascending to erect. Leaves opposite or apparently whorled; stipules scarious. Flowers in compact cymes. Sepals 5, scarious. Petals 5, smaller than the sepals. Stamens 5. Styles 3-lobed. Capsule included in the sepals, dehiscing by 3 valves.

A genus with 50 tropical and subtropical species. Represented in Pakistan by 2 species.

1 Leaves linear; basal ones not rosette-forming. Stems woolly. Flowers in branched cymes. Herb 10-30 cm   1 Polycarpaea corymbosa
+ Leaves obovate to spathulate, the basal forming a rosette. Stems glabrous. Flowers in terminal spikes. Herb 5-10 cm   2 Polycarpaea spicata

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