25. Seidlitzia Bunge ex Boiss., Fl. Or. 4: 950. 1879; Kom., Fl. URSS 6: 275. 1936; Aellen in Davis, Fl. Turkey 2: 237. 1966; Hedge in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 172: 290. 1997.
Glabrous annuals or shrubs with milky white stems, shining or not. Leaves opposite, pseudofasciculate or alternate, fleshy, terete obtuse or ± clavate. Flowers perfect, 1-3 in the axil of leaves, often surrounded by hairs, with 2 ovate, naviculiform bracteoles. Perianth segments 5, free nearly to the base, membranous, elliptic, obtuse, retuse or emarginate at apex, winged in fruit; usually the outermost wing turbinate, the innermost sometimes bent back, covering the fruit, the rest spreading, Stamens 5; anthers not appendaged, oval–oblong. Ovary with 2 broad, flat, linear, subsessile stigmas. Fruit horizontal, with glabrous, smooth pericarp; seeds horizontal with spiral embryo, exalbuminous.
About 6 species in Canaries, Mediterranean region to C. Asia, represented by 1 species in Pakistan.
Very much like Salsola but stem whitish, leaves ± clavate, glabrous and opposite.
Lower Taxon
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